So, as my blog is called "in Blog We Trusted" its
probably apparent there will be some content relating to religion in some way
or another. Personally, if I had to label myself I would stitch
"Atheist" to my hoody. But this post isnt going to be about atheism
in the way of trying to disprove a god like deity. More relating to
something I saw recently on a forum.
Someone had posted about god, in a poem
and the gist of it was how atheists censure those who believe, and another
commenting how "it hurts when atheists censure us".
I was curious as to why it was aimed at
atheists? I mean most atheists tend not to talk about religion the same
way most people dont talk about otters attending otter university, because its
not real and is silly to believe so, so why talk about it. But what i was
really interested in was "why atheists?". These people were
Christians, monolithic religion with the top man (always a man isnt it) seeing
all etc. I asked what constituted censuring. I googled it for a
definition to ensure i had it right and it is as follows....
strong or vehement expression of disapproval:
The newspapers were unanimous in their censure of the tax proposal.
an official reprimand, as by a legislative body of one of its members.
verb (used with object), censured, censuring.
to criticize or reproach in a harsh or vehement manner:
She is more to be pitied than censured.
verb (used without object), censured, censuring.
to give censure, adverse criticism, disapproval, or blame.
Now, what i felt strange after reading the
definition is that is, i was actually being censured as an atheist. They
were expressing disapproval of atheists. Provoking comments by posting a
theological post stating the normal run of the mill stuff about atheists not
having the answers to the big questions etc etc and how they hurt them with
their disbelief. Now, what about Muslims (oooo hear that sharp intake of
breath? As soon as that word is mentioned people get a little edgy).
It doesnt have to be Muslims, it could be Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists,
Pagans, Wiccans, Ancient Egyptian, Mayan, Jehovah Witness, Jews,
Scientoligist etc. Surely by believing in a differing religion, they are
like atheists in that they dont believe in the stuff Christians do. Or is
there a polite nod of the head between all believers, I mean if history has
taught us anything, its that those with differing beliefs all get along
So, readers, if there are any out there. Do all believers, regardless of faith have a
mutual respect built upon believing in an overall creator(s)? Or does the fact that other religions
believing in their own scripture, mean they are disbelieving in others,
If so, how is this different to what an atheist believes? And if I remember from the times I have read
the Bible and had a go at the Qur'an, worshipping false idols is a sin. So would believing in a "god" who isn't
the one at the top of one particular religion actually worse? As they are worshipping a "false"
idol, where as atheists don't worship anyone.
As background info, I wasnt raised as religious or atheist. I was christened as a kid (didn't really have
a choice in that), but my parents werent overtly religious. We didn't attend Church, I did go to Sunday school
a few times when I was really young, so young I barely remember it, but I think
that was more a case of dropping me off so they had free time when my dad was
on leave (he was in the forces). At
school we did do morning prayers, The Lords Prayer with additional footnotes
for the servicemen and women. But I was
never told what to believe. I was
agnostic for a long time I guess, but the more I read the bible and did
(compulsory) religious studies at school, I found myself in the atheist
camp. I should probably stop here before
I go on about the reasons I am atheist as that could get quite lengthy.
So in closing and to recap the question of this post, do fellow
believers of differing faiths feel censured by the each other or do they
politely acknowledge that although they believe in different scripture and
origins of the universe, mankind etc they do at least believe in something?